Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday 17 June 2024 Morning Notes

Been busy the past couple of trading days and will be another busy week now that the kids are done with school and are home, putting me on Dad duty, which is fine. Plus, it looks like I'll possibly be bringing them to tennis lessons this week.

It's June monthly opex week, looks like my DJT 30/20/7.5 put butterfly will be going up in smoke, which is a shame considering it was up 50% at one point but I wanted to "let my winners run". Speaking of which, I was in a similar spread in GME for last week which was up better than 200% and I wanted to "let my winners run", only to watch it reverse. Been a running theme for the past year or so.

Yesterday AMC:
Today BMO:

Other News:

Follow through names to watch: ADBE, RH



Follow through watch:

Day before Y'day AMC: ADBE, RH
Yesterday BMO:

Y'day Other News:

2 days ago AMC: AVGO
2 days ago BMO: SIG

2 days ago Other News:

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