Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday March 7 Morning Notes

Es: -0.4% at 1986.75
10yr: -0.9% at 1.900
Vx: +1.1% at 19.15
Cl: +1.1% at 36.30

Earnings: N/A
Other News: Iron Ore jumps 19% sending stocks like CLF higher.

CLF: 2.78sd at 3.50, 567k, b/a 0.03. 1sd = 7.6%

CLDX: -8.7sd at 3.80, 1.72m, b/a 0.05. 1sd = 6.14%
SCOR: -4.26sd at 34.5, 8k, b/a 1.00. 1sd = 3.6%
VOD: -1.5 at 30.70, 19k, b/a 0.01 1sd= 1.75%

Follow Through Watch:

TT Track of the Day: Silverchair's "Tomorrow"

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