Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11 Wednesday Morning Notes

Alright, I managed to come down with the flu and took Monday and Tuesday off from the markets. I probably should have taken last Thursday and Friday off as well but those actually turned out to be decent days. However, it's back to the grind...

EXPR: +5%, 141k - earnings
ARCP: +4%, 157k - named new CEO
SNDK: +3%, 38k - GS Upgrade
YNDX: +2%, 13k

VRA: -10.8%, 486k - earnings
SFUN: -3.2%, 7k - ex div
MA: -1.9%, 87k - 2ndary offering

BOX - will be posting earnings AMC. I had eyeballed this straddle because it was pricing a move of 10.5% which seemed super cheap considering it was the 1st release and that short interest rocketed up to 38% of the float. I now see the straddle is pricing a 13% move and has increased 18% in price... #brick

Today's theme song:

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