EXAS is ripping 40% from 18 to 25 in the pre on positive FDA news data. No weekly options are available, but the Oct opex was pricing vol at 113% +/- 2.43. It does offer dollar wide strikes however, may be a good week strangle.
TSLA is getting knocked 4.5%, down 12 at 245.10 after closing at 257 yesterday. This comes after Elon Musk unveiled his big D, which apparently stands for disappointment.
MCHP is getting knocked 10% on weak guidance. The stock is down at 40.32 after closing yesterday at 45.50.
Yesterday Recap:
BABA saw active trading off the open in the wkly 91 calls, it was trading about 2k vs OI of 2900. They spiked a bit before the mkt tanked.
At 0943, CREE had another terrible t/o rumor which went nowhere. I saw Oct 32 opex calls trading 700 vs OI of 0 prior to the rumor but didn't jump on them. They mildly popped from .93 to $1.40 before it got faded hard.
At 1030, YELP had a t/o rumor saying GOOG would take it over. The stock was around 71.20 at the time. It didn't really spike much then YELP got faded hard as well, to close at 69.62.
SGMS saw unusual OTM Oct 9 put buys 2500x for around .15ish with the stock at 9.80, down 4% on the day at the time.
RMD had a short report come out around 1225 or so. The stock was around 49.20 or so and ended up hitting a low of 47.90 before closing at 48.20 or so. The 45 puts could have been picked up for .25 and flipped for .60.
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