Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Oct 24 outlook

AMZN is getting knocked 9.4% in the pre after closing at 313.34 and is currently trading around 283.88. Its average move is 8.8% and it moved -9.6% last quarter. Its largest down move was 12.6%. These are the moves it has made after posting earnings: 2.4%, 4.3%, 3.6%, 2.7%, 4.7%, 6.4%, 5.6%, 4.4%, which averages 4.25%

Thursday Recap:
The YELP straddle got paid on both ends. The straddle into earnings got paid and a day swing straddle got paid. The options off the open yesterday were pricing a move of <5% during the day which would have been the smallest post earnings move in 8 qtrs. The stock ending up moving 7.4%, or $4.55 after having opened at 61.50 and closing at 56.95.

CBI saw a bunch of put buying into the report with IV at 2yr highs into earnings as well. However, the report AMC appears to be positive.

Wednesday Recap:
CREE ended up getting even more smoked during the mkt hours, the straddle was pricing in a move of 5%, $1.25 and it made double that move down from the open. IV was way off on this one all around.

YHOO saw a bunch of activity in the weekly OTM puts off the open but they went nowhere as the stock initially dipped then trended higher throughout the day.

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