Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday 11.9 Pre-Mkt Outlook

The /ES closed yesterday at 1375 and looks to open around 1371

$JCP are taking a hit after coming out with an earnings disappointment. It closed yesterday at 21.50 and looks to open around 19.75. The 19 level is key support for the 52wk low.

$PCLN is buying $KYAK for a 30% premium. There's no trade in $KYAK aside from maybe buying long dated puts in the idea the deal will fall through. Today, $PCLN is trading lower and could be under pressure if shareholders don't like the deal. The stock has been on a bit of a rip lately as well. $PCLN closed at 628 and looks to open around 617.

$DIS is out with earnings that disappointed and is trading lower, down from 50 to 47.50 in the pre-mkt.

And then of course I'll be watching my favorite usual suspects: $AAPL and $GOOG after the down trending week they've been having. Last week we had the $NFLX rumor, can't wait to see what happens today.

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